Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Idea Proposal

Rethinking this project I figured I was going too complicated which usually ends up with a failed project. In this project I want to create a large 3D space with white floors and black background. As the camera moves into the shot we see multiple celebrities moving past the camera trying to escape from something behind them. I plan to use more than what the illustration shows, probably around 5-6 celebrities running by. I tried to find pictures of celebrities who weren't happy about having their photo taken at that certain time. I also looked for pictures that showed them in motion or running from the scene. In behind them the camera will fly past them exposing a row of tabloid magazines moving and marching at the same time chasing after the celebrities. each book will pivot on its corners and swing the next one over to take a step forward. This is one area I need to experiment in and try to create a fake anchor point so the other side can swing over after the other. Once the books come closer the camera will swing over head, giving the viewers a top version of them walking. They will cast a nice shadow to the side and behind of them. Once the camera is over top you will see them dropping the annoying subscriptions that always falls out of the pages leaving a small trail behind them.

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