Monday, September 14, 2009

Project 2

Project 2 from Cassandra Case on Vimeo.

Experimenting with nulls, parenting, and 3D aspects of After Effects.


  1. ok i don't want to overwhelm you but I have a lot of suggestions. On the actual animation: I 'm not sure why the cards are duplicating and being sent to the stage instead of actually coming from the cards shown in the hand. I think that's the most important thing. Second on technique, I think the characters need to rise up from the cards instead of just appearing. That would push the idea of the depictions on the cards coming to life on stage. A minor note, the characters should appear a little sooner so that they come up as SOON AS the card lays flat, so it seems as that breaking point of action, instead of lying flat for a split second and THEN the character emerges. Very minor.
    On concept, I'm assuming (hopefully) that you are NOT fond of these people and therefore wouldn't want to flatter them in your projects. I really like the first image of B.spears and I think you should continue with more absurd photos of the other people, which have GOT TO BE out there, i'm sure haha

  2. My major critique of this would be that you add a hand coming from the right to take a card and toss it towards the stage then a puff of smoke appears and the celebrity comes strolling down the catwalk.

  3. i agree with Kassey in that these celebs aren't being made fun of enough. I feel like that photos you used are pretty flattering for the most part. I would like to see the characters moving limbs or something. I feel like they are too static. I realize that will be hard and it won't look realistic, but you could play up the concept with how ridiculous they look. On a technical note, i think you utilized the program well and the motion is very fluid.

  4. Definitely there needs to be more satire and comedy if you want to make sure there celebrities are being made fun of. Try to pick more images that catch the celebrity in compromised situations. there are millions of cooter shots you can find for these celebs. i'm okay with the lady gaga picture personally, but some of the others need to be ramped up a bit. be more risque with it.

  5. I get the reference to the common public and western media treating these individual's lives as a game, but I think that if your desire is to lampoon these celebrities, you can push the actual mockery of them further. The overall aesthetic is working, but feel free to consider wether or not your environment and design creates a positive or negative image of the celebrity in question, and wether or not it supports your intentions.
